Carina Technology is located in Huntsville, AL, home of Cummings Research Park, the second largest research part in the United States. Huntsville's space industry has allowed for numerous startup tech companies to prosper. Teledyne Brown Engineering spent $16 million developing PLC technology in Poland and contracted with Arthur Anderson to study wireless cellular and its use for energy in the US. Carina’s first CEO retired from Teledyne, purchased the intellectual property from the company, and established a company called AMBS, which would later become Carina Technology. Carina originally focused on surgical cellular remote disconnects and placed the remote disconnects in over 100 utilities in the Southeast. Carina patented its product and software for using cellular Celemetry to communicate with individual units at customers' homes. Carina reorganized and focused on FTTH and successfully secured patents on its hardware and software fiber products . One year later, Carina developed an intelligent water heater controller for utilities and deployed a large pilot program with EPRI, TVA, and BTES to validate the patent on the WISE product and its value to utilities. Carina also piloted a large prepay pilot in an apartment complex in Texas and validated its proprietary Flexpay™ product and software. Today, Carina is focused on its WISE product and its CPG fiber product and continues to enhance the analytics in its patented software.