Huntsville, AL - Carina redesigns and deploys new website and new LinkedIn
January 2021Huntsville, AL – Carina promotes Bill Lichtner to Director of Customer Service
December 2020Huntsville, AL – Carina releases revisions for its customer app for monitoring and controlling water heaters
October 2020Huntsville, AL – Carina signs teaming agreement with Adtran to market Carina’s FTTH solution to the coop market
June 2020Raleigh, NC – Carina partners with Franklin Energy and trains their installation personnel for the installation contract with NCEMC on Carina’s WISE product
Mill Creek, WA – Carina signs agreement with Bert Technologies to market its WISE product and its CPG product in the NW part of the country.
May 2020Huntsville, AL – Carina hires Ryan Scoggins as project manager for new products and production
March 2020New Orleans, LA – Carina and Vaughn attend and exhibit at Tech Advantage
January 2020Ontario, Canada – Carina partners with Ecofitt for installations in Canada
December 2019Raleigh, NC – Carina signs 2-year contract with TEMA to deliver WISE switches monthly over the next 24 months in Phase 1 of the Connect to Save program at NCEMC
November 2019Ontario, Canada – IESO approves funding for a large pilot at Hydro One in Canada
October 2019Bristol, TN – BTES installs their 21,000th Carina FTTH collar and their 14,100th intelligent water heater switch
Shallotte, NC – Brunswick EMC orders 15 WISE units for a pilot deployment
September 2019RE Magazine – RE Magazine publishes an article in their September issue about the new partnership with Vaughn (page 48 RE Magazine Sept issue)
Myrtle Beach, SC – Carina attends and exhibits with its partner Vaughn Water Heaters at the NCEMC Cooperative Technologies Conference Raleigh, NC – Carina installs its WISE intelligent water heater controllers at 2 more coops in NC bringing the total of 10 coops that have the Carina WISE deployed
August 2019Williamsburg, VA – Carina attends and exhibits at ElectriCities of NC annual conference
Myrtle Beach SC – Carina attends and exhibits with its partner Vaughn Water Heaters at the NCEMC Cooperative Technologies Conference and Expo
Raleigh, NC – Carina completes its integration with NCEMC DERMS provider OATI
July 2019Shallotte, NC – Carina/Vaughn send second shipment of Vaughn Grid Enabled Water heaters with the Carina intelligence to the Heron’s Nest Environment Village development at Brunswick EMC.
March 2019Orlando, FL – Carina attends and exhibits at Tech Advantage Expo
Raleigh, NC – Carina rolls out its customer app to multiple utilities in NC.
August 2018Myrtle Beach, SC – Carina attends and exhibits at the NCEMC Cooperative Technologies Conference and Expo
February 2018Salisbury, MA - Carina is proud to announce its partnership with Vaughn Thermal Corporation (more details to follow).
Nashville, TN - TechAdvantage Conference and Expo
January 2018San Antonio, TX - Carina attends DistribuTECH Conference and Exhibition
Huntsville, AL - Carina relocates to 2366 Whitesburg Dr.
December 2017Cambridge, MA - Carina attends the PLMA Fall Conference
August 2017Huntsville, AL - Collin Simon is hired as Senior Software Engineer
July 2017Myrtle Beach, SC - Carina attends the Tech Assessment and Strategy for Co-ops conference presented by North Carolina's Electric Cooperatives
May 2017Huntsville, AL - Clint Caudle is made President of Carina Technologies
April 2017Nashville, TN - Carina, joined by Dr. Michael Browder, presents at the 35th annual PLMA Spring Conference. Dr. Michael Browder (CEO, Bristol Tennessee Essential Services) and Carina's Clint Caudle (Director of Software Development), presented a case study utilizing 15-minute metered interval data from a large subset of 8,000 WISE™ patented intelligent water heater controllers deployed at BTES for the last 8 years. The presentation demonstrated the flexibility to establish multiple baselines for real time comparisons across millions of rows of controlled data and to immediately calculate peak hour kW savings and kWh time-of-use savings. The presentation was well received by the utilities, consultants, and the media present.
March 2017Raleigh, NC - NCEMC and Carina continue to work together. The success of the small proof of concept pilot at Central EMC has led NCEMC to authorize additional larger pilots at Tideland EMC, Roanoke Electric Cooperative, and Lumbee River EMC utilizing Verizon 4G LTE. Additionally, Carina will be installing LTE and Wi-Fi pilots at South River EMC, Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative, and Randolph EMC. These larger pilots will allow NCEMC to gather and analyze larger amounts of data to determine the economic feasibility of full production deployments along with evaluating the multiple communications technologies.
November 2016Delray Beach, FL - Carina presents at the 34th Annual PLMA Fall Conference
Carina's Clint Caudle, Director of Software Development, presented the Carina WISE™ intelligent water heater controller for the Community Storage Initiative group on November 7, 2016. Clint demonstrated the versatility of the WISE™ product for shift, store and valley fill showing Carina's patented “zero” discomfort feature for the customer. Both Jim Caudle (CEO) and Pete Harbin (SVP) also attended and met with many new utilities and consultants over the three-day conference. Additionally, Carina had two of its customers on hand to answer questions about their experiences in deploying the WISE™ product on their utility systems.
August 2016Myrtle Beach, SC - Carina attends the Tech Assessment and Strategy for Co-ops conference presented by NCEMC (North Carolina's Electric Cooperatives).
Pete Harbin, SVP Sales & Marketing, attended the annual conference for North Carolina's Cooperatives in support of Jim Musilek. Jim was presenting data from the Carina WISE™ pilot at Central Electric Cooperative conducted by NCEMC. The majority of the North Carolina co-ops were in attendance as well as many from South Carolina. It was a great opportunity to show the value proposition of the WISE™ intelligent controller for all the co-ops in attendance.
NCEMC is the power supplier for most of North Carolina's member cooperatives, provides reliable, affordable and safe electric and related services, including:
• Operation of a load management system
• Engineering and construction management
• Power supply planning
• Demand Side Management (DSM) planning
Vallejo, CA - Carina joins PLMA (Peak Load Management Alliance) as an advisory member. Carina will sit on the board of PLMA and attend its semiannual conferences. Clint Caudle will serve on the PLMA board representing Carina's WISE™ technology with utilities, consultants, and manufacturers across the country. PLMA meetings will be a great venue to get national exposure for Carina's WISE™ technology and to interact with all the major players for water heater controllers. PLMA is an organization of leaders in demand response founded in 1999. You can visit them at peakload.org.
Minneapolis, MN - Carina joins the Community Storage Initiative and attends inaugural leadership forum. Carina attended and sponsored the Community Storage Initiative's inaugural leadership forum in Minneapolis, MN. This conference, orchestrated by PLMA, allowed Carina to introduce its 2nd generation water heater controller to national organizations, utilities, and water heater manufacturers. Carina's technology can be instrumental in meeting the goals outlined for community storage. Carina will remain active with the Community Storage Initiative and with PLMA.
May 2016Sanford, NC - NCEMC and Carina begin a water heater demand response pilot. Carina's WISE™ technology will be utilized to shift load and reduce peak demand. The pilot will run throughout the summer and winter. The initial pilot will be conducted at Central Electric Coop in Sanford, NC.
Huntsville, AL - Carina launches its intern program.
Bristol, TN - BTES (Bristol Tennessee Essential Services) orders 6,000 CPMDs and 6,000 WISE™ switches BTES continues to install the Carina CPMDs and WISE™ units on their system. This order will allow BTES to cover the majority of their residential customers with a fiber collar and a large percentage of the customers with the WISE™ (water heater controller) switch. With each installation BTES will continue to save money on their monthly demand charge along with preparation for prepay on all services including electric, cable, telephone, and internet. BTES is a municipally-owned electric utility that also provides high-speed Internet, telephone, and cable television services over a fiber optic network. BTES is in the business of providing reliable, safe and cost-effective electric service to more than 33,000 customers in a 280-square-mile service area in the City of Bristol and Sullivan County, Tennessee. Sixty years after their inception as an electric company, BTES began providing Internet and cable television services in 2005. One year later, the BTES' telephone services were fully operational. BTES now provides some of the fastest Internet speeds available in the United States with speeds of one Gigabit per second available to every business and home in our service area!
October 2015Huntsville, AL - Carina continues to strengthen its IP portfolio by adding additional claims to its original WISE™ patent and the continuation with the additional claims has been awarded by the patent office in Patent # 9,152,160. These additional claims regard utilizing historic data and real time temperatures to adjust to changing conditions on the electric grid for shift, store, fill and regulation.
June 2015Bristol, TN - BTES orders 10,000 CPMDs and 5,000 WISE™ switches. With the release of the 2nd Generation CPMD and WISE2, BTES has added additional collars and switches to be deployed over the next 12-18 months. BTES also rolled out the new Command Center software that will operate both of the products. BTES continues to be on the forefront of advanced technology with their fiber deployment and with the intelligent water heater controller. These new CPMDs will allow BTES to roll out Flexpay to its customers. The WISE™ product will continue to save BTES significant savings on their monthly demand bill which will help keep the rates down for BTES customers.