Larger utilties that service urban areas tend to place a high priority on marketing to multi-tenant buildings. Usually, a utility can market to the landlord or management company and only interact with customers during installation. Multi-tenants are typically great producers and can easily obtain 100% participation. All WISE units can be pointed at a central router, allowing ease of installation and strong communication strength. Additionally, installation costs are low because all units are in one location.
The Carina multitenant program gives landlords the ability to disconnect water heaters from units that are vacant and notifies them of any maintenance issues in real time. Carina has the capability of providing landlords complete access to disconnect/connect units, view costly alarms such as leaks, and proactively respond to maintenance needs.

Tenants have access to Carina's app, allowing them to view their usage and costs on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. Tenants also provide landlords with a second set of eyes on alarms or issues through the app. Finally, they have control like never before with the ability to set vacation dates on their water heaters.
Carina's partnership with Vaughn Thermal Corporation is the ultimate package for new developments or landlords with delapidated units. Create an entire fleet of Vaughn units that utilize the sophistication of CarinaPoint™. With a standardized fleet reporting real time information through Carinapoint™, landlords will save a fortune on maintenance costs.